Heeeey everybody and welcome to Cinema On Tap, your weekly movie podcast with a refreshing selection of movie reviews and industry topics on tap for discussion. We’ve got a rotating lineup of reviews, top-5’s, flight selections, and of course, beer! Tune in every week with your hosts Scott Lentz and Christian Ubillus (alongside the various friends of the show) for a taster of industry news and an in depth review dependent on the keg we’re tapping that month!

Sunday Dec 03, 2023
S1E18 End of Year Wrap-Up - The Most Anticipated Movies of 2024
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
With Disney 100 in the rear view, Christian and Scott turn their sights ahead to look at 2024. There’s a lot of movies already announced (plus a few that got delayed), as well as a few without release dates that we’re crossing our fingers for. We share our respective top 10s, plus quite a few honorable mentions.
Got a movie you’re looking forward to next year? Let us know at cinemaontappodcast@gmail.com
Is 2024 Something to be Excited About?| 0:00 - 5:41, Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2024| 5:41 - 1:19:25, Not Bad| 1:19:25 - 1:22:44

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
S1E17 Disney 100 - Top 5 Disney Movies
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
It’s a big one here on Cinema on Tap as we share our Top 5 Disney movies! Not only will christian and Scott share their respective lists (with only one film on both lists), but they discuss Disney’s latest Wish.
Wish is celebrating Disney’s 100 year anniversary. Will our hosts find it a worthwhile commemoration? Stay tuned to find out.
Is there a Disney film you love that didn’t get a shoutout on today’s episode? Let us know at cinemaontappodcast@gmail.com
Priscilla and Saltburn and May December| 0:00 - 11:54, Wish - Flop or OK?| 11:54 - 31:15, Definitive Top 5 Disney Animated Movie Lists (Just One Overlap)| 31:15 - 1:25:06, DECEMBER IS UPON US| 1:25:06 - 1:31:37

Friday Nov 17, 2023
S1E16 Disney 100 - Beauty and the Beast + The Lion King (with Hadley Vogler)
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
We have arrived at arguably the most famous era of all: The Disney Renaissance. Christian and Scott are looking at two of Disney’s most influential films of the last 30 years: Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King.
Joined by new friend of the show Hadley Vogler, we revisit some childhood favorites to talk about the Broadway influence, revitalized princess story, celebrity voice actors and more. This was a fun one!
Got a Disney movie you love or a top 5 list you want to submit? Send us an email at cinemaontapposcast@gmail.com
Hadley is Here, Scott is Virtual| 0:00 - 7:59, History with the Disney Renaissance| 7:59 - 21:43, Critical and Commercial Successes| 21:43 - 1:06:42, Top 5’s Coming Soon| 1:06:42 - 1:09:14

Thursday Nov 16, 2023
S1E15 Disney 100 - Cinderella + The Jungle Book
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
To satisfy your princess desires AND your talking animal desires, our hosts bring you another double feature - this time, they're talking about the Disney Silver Era classics, Cinderella and The Jungle Book. As our co-hosts grapple with the films, the words "travesty" and "masterpiece" get thrown around - but by which co-host?
Got a Disney movie that's your favorite from this era? Feel free to send us an email at cinemaontappodcast@gmail.com
SAG-AFTRA STRIKE OVER| 0:00 - 10:18, Priscilla and Saltburn and The Killer…oh my| 10:18 - 23:34, Making of Some Fairy Tales| 23:34 - 32:46, Princesses or Talking Animals| 32:46 - 1:13:06, Renaissance| 1:13:06 - 1:22:14

Monday Nov 06, 2023
S1E14 Disney 100 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs + Pinocchio
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
It’s nostalgia time! In honor of Disney 100 and the release of their new film Wish, Christian and Scott are taking a walk down memory lane and watching some classic Disney films.
We’re starting at the very beginning: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs & Pinocchio!
It’s the fairy tale that started it all, and the morality tale that followed it. Many still consider these among the greatest animated films ever made. Will our hosts agree?
Plus, we talk about two new films we saw at AFI Fest: Bradley Cooper’s Maestro and Jeff Nichols’ The Bikeriders.
Why Was Bud Light #1?| 0:00 - 2:29, Doubling Up with The Bikeriders and Maestro| 2:29 - 21:12, Dwarfs and Puppets - Snow White + Pinocchio| 21:12 - 1:10:03, The Silver Age| 1:10:03 - 1:12:54

Friday Oct 27, 2023
S1E13 Supernatural Horror - Hidden Gems
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Before we tap out this month’s cinematic keg, we’ve got some recommendations for all kinds of supernatural horror! Demons, ghosts, haunted houses, killer weather, and the devil himself — we’ve got it all for you on this episode. Christian and Scott take a trip through history, recommending movies from as far back as the 60s and as recently as 2020. We’ve got you covered for some hidden gems, guilty pleasures, and more.
Got a supernatural horror you love? Let us know at cinemaontappodcast@gmail.com
Parameters of the Game| 0:00 - 3:19, Killers of the Flower Moon - The Bikeriders and Maestro Up Next| 3:19 - 18:10, Critically Acclaimed and Reviled Hidden Gems| 18:10 - 1:10:03, Coming Soon!| 1:10:03 - 1:15:53

Friday Oct 20, 2023
S1E12 Supernatural Horror - The Babadook
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Get ready for your next pour from our Supernatural Horror keg as we talk about a recent horror hit: The Babadook. We take a trip to Australia to talk through Jennifer Kent’s feature debut.
Kent pairs scares with a thought-provoking metaphor as a terrifying monster haunts a mother and son. Since its release in 2014, The Babadook has gained a reputation as one of the best horror movies of the 2010s, as well as birthing internet memes and even a wonderfully silly discourse: is the Babadook an LGBT+ icon?
Pour yourself a beer and listen along as Christian and Scott sit down to see if The Babadook deserves its positive reputation.
Got a supernatural horror film you love? Or, have any ideas for future kegs we should tap? Let us know at cinemaontappodcast@gmail.com
Geography Lessons with Christian and Scott| 0:00 - 5:28, Taster - Horror as a Stand-In for Grief| 5:28 - 24:33, Formation of Mister Babadook| 24:33 - 31:03, Pour one out for The Babadook| 31:03 - 1:03:22, Next Week’s Untapped Keg| 1:03:22 - 1:06:08

Friday Oct 13, 2023
S1E11 Supernatural Horror - Ringu
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Our Supernatural Horror rotation got off to a great start last week, and we’re moving forward in time to look at one of the biggest Japanese horror films of all-time: Ringu. Also known as The Ring, the film boasts a famous premise — anyone who watches a cursed video tape receives a mysterious phone call telling them they have 7 days before they die.
Christian and Scott are ready for another first time watch. Stay tuned to get their thoughts on this 90s classic.
Have a supernatural horror film you love? Or, any international horror films that you love that received remakes here in Hollywood? Let us know at cinemaontappodcast@gmail.com
Drinking From the World’s Oldest Brewery| 0:00 - 3:08, Taster - Adaptation as a Process| 3:08 - 15:55, Background Information| 15:55 - 23:11, Tapping that Keg - Ringu| 23:11 - 51:59, Creepy Creatures| 51:59 - 56:27

Sunday Oct 08, 2023
S1E10 Supernatural Horror - The Changeling
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Happy Spooky Season, everyone! We’re taking a look at some horror movies this month as we tap a brand new cinematic keg for October: Supernatural horror! We’re starting with a hidden gem from 1980: The Changeling.
Written by William Gray and Diana Maddox, directed by Peter Medak and starring George C. Scott, The Changeling is allegedly based on real events that happened to co-writer Russell Hunter. It made such an impact at the time that Martin Scorsese listed it as one of the 11 scariest movies he had ever seen. But, where do our co-hosts land?
Got a supernatural horror flick that you love and want us to talk about on the show? Let us know at cinemaontappodcast@gmail.com
Film Festivals Galore| 0:00 - 14:09, Cult Movies and Supernatural Horror| 14:09 - 28:17, Tapping that Keg - The Changeling| 28:17 - 56:33, First Movie in a Franchise is Next| 56:33 - 1:02:41

Friday Oct 06, 2023
S1E9 The Modern High School Movie - The Breakfast Club
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Esteemed listeners, Cinema on Tap, seeing that there was an extra Friday in the month of September chose to review The Breakfast Club! And then, as our lovely producer Christian was on vacation, the episode released late :( Never fear! We're back, two episodes are coming today, so sit back, relax, and enjoy a review of one of the most celebrated tails of youth to have come out, well, ever!
WGA STRIKE IS OVER| 0:00 - 6:58, A Review of the Breakfast Club and Guessing Where the Characters End Up| 6:58 - 52:18, New Keg| 52:18 - 56:18